The European Union’s Proposed Carbon Equalization System: Can it be WTO Compatible?
January 2009
International Food Safety Standards
and India’s Food Exports: An Analysis Based on Gravity Model Using Three-Dimensional Data
January 2010
India’s Role in East Asia: Lessons from Cultural and Historical Linkages
January 2009
Policies for Industrial Learning in China and Mexico
January 2009
India’s Trade in Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: Emerging Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
January 2009
India’s Outward Foreign Direct Investments in Steel Industry in a Chinese Comparative Perspective
January 2009
Who Uses the Patent System in Developing Countries? A Study of Patent Propensities in Argentina, 1992-2001
January 2009
Climate Change, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights
January 2009
The Limited Promise of Agricultural Trade Liberalization
January 2009
Revision of India-Nepal Treaty of Trade and Its Implications for Strengthening Bilateral Trade and Investment Linkages
January 2010