Modelling Small Economy Exports: The Case of Singapore
January 2005
Knowledge Flow in East Asia and Beyond
January 2008
A Gaussian Test for Cointegration
January 2009
Does the IV estimator establish causality? Re-examining Chinese fertility-growth relationship
January 2009
Monetizing Housing Equity to Generate Retirement Incomes
January 2009
Measuring Asymmetry and Persistence in Conditional
Volatility in Real Output: Evidence from Three East Asian
Tigers Using a Multivariate GARCH approach
January 2009
Time-Varying Currency Betas: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets
January 2009
A Gaussian Test for Cointegration
January 2010
The Cultural Revolution, Stress and Cancer
January 2010
Post-Crisis Investment Performance of ASEAN Countries: Impact of FDI
January 2007