What is the Role of Social Pensions in Asia?
April 2012
Trade and Investment Patterns in Asia:
Regionalisation or Globalisation?
January 2008
Towards an Expanded Role for Asian Currencies: Issues and Prospects
May 2011
The role of microeconomic policy reform in regional integration — analytical and empirical issues
April 2008
The Global Financial Crisis and Macroeconomic Policy Issues in Asia
January 2009
The Global Economic Crisis: An Opportunity for Strengthening Asia’s Social Protection Systems?
January 2010
The Global Economic Crisis, Regional Policy Coordination and Rebalancing Growth in Asia
January 2009
The Financial Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Strengthening Regional Monitoring of Financial Markets and Regional Coordination of Financial Sector Policies?
January 2010
The exchange rate regime in Asia: From Crisis to Crisis
January 2010
The Economic Impact of Globalization in Asia-Pacific – The Case of The Flying Geese
January 2005