Supply Chain Dynamics in Asia
January 2010
The Economic Impact of Globalization in Asia-Pacific – The Case of The Flying Geese
January 2005
The Global Economic Crisis: An Opportunity for Strengthening Asia’s Social Protection Systems?
January 2010
Asia’s Role in the Global Economic Architecture
January 2010
India-Japan Investment Relations: Trends and Prospects
January 2010
The role of microeconomic policy reform in regional integration — analytical and empirical issues
April 2008
Does Governance Matter for Enhancing Trade? Empirical Evidence from Asia
January 2010
Asia’s Post-Global Financial Crisis Adjustment: A Model-Based Dynamic Scenario Analysis
January 2010
Trade and Investment Patterns in Asia:
Regionalisation or Globalisation?
January 2008
The Benefits of Regional Infrastructure Investment in Asia: A Quantitative Exploration
January 2010