India-Japan Investment Relations: Trends and Prospects
January 2010
How Low-Carbon Green Growth Can Reduce Inequalities
May 2013
Have Exchange Rate Regimes in Asia become More Flexible Post crisis? Re-VISITING the EVIDENCE
January 2005
Growth of Asian Pension Assets: Implications for Financial and Capital Markets
May 2012
Green Services and Emergence and Recovery from the Global Economic Slowdown in Developing Asian Economies
January 2010
Governance, Institutions, and Regional Infrastructure in Asia
January 2010
From a Centralized to a Decentralized Global Economic Architecture: An Overview
January 2013
Financial Safety Nets in Asia: Genesis, Evolution, Adequacy, and Way Forward
November 2012
Financial Reform and Asian Integration: What Now?
January 2009
Financial Integration in Asia: A Medium-Term Agenda
January 2009