A Short-Run Analysis of Exchange Rates and International Trade with an Application to Australia, New Zealand, and Japan
April 2014
Revisiting the Internationalization of the Yuan
July 2012
The Currency of the People’s Republic of China and Production Fragmentation
November 2011
Global Imbalances in a World of Inflexible Real Exchange Rates and Capital Controls
December 2011
The Exchange Rate, Diversification, and Distribution in a Modified Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods
December 2011
Exchange Rate Cooperation in East Asia – Why a Basket Approach may be best
January 2007
Causes and Remedies of China’s External Imbalances
January 2010
Asset Market Structures and Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy
January 2010
Asia confronts the impossible trinity
January 2010
The difficulties of the Chinese and Indian exchange rate regimes
January 2009