Developing a Poverty Map for Indonesia (A Tool for Better Targeting in Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Programs)
January 2005
Regional Cooperation towards Multilateral Arrangements on Agriculture, Labour, and Environment in the Context of Globalisation: The Case of Indonesia
March 2003
Predicting Consumption Poverty Using Non-consumption Indicators: Experiments Using Indonesian Data
January 2006
Economic Crisis, Institutional Changes and the Effectiveness of Government: the Case of Indonesia
June 2007
A Reassessment of Inequality and Its Role in Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
January 2005
The Impact of Private Sector Growth on Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Indonesia
April 2007
Objective Measures of Family Welfare for Individual Targeting: Results from Pilot Project on Community Based Monitoring System in Indonesia
January 2005
Regional Cooperation towards Multilateral Arrangements on Agriculture, Labour, and Environment in the Context of Globalisation: The Case of Indonesia
March 2003
Reducing Unemployment in Indonesia: Results from a Growth-Employment Elasticity Model
January 2007
The Measurement and Trends of Unemployment in Indonesia: The Issue of Discouraged Workers
January 2005