Vulnerability to Poverty and Vulnerability to Climate Change: Conceptual Framework, Measurement and Synergies in Policy
January 2007
Two-sample estimation of poverty rates for disabled people: an application to Tanzania
January 2008
Trends in Household Vulnerability
January 2010
Trade Liberalization, Poverty and Food Security in India
January 2008
Toward Measuring Household Vulnerability to Income Poverty in the Philippines
January 2007
The Effects of Location and Sectoral Components of Growth
January 2006
Sustainable Development Framework for Local Governance
January 2008
Sustainable Development Framework for Local Governance
January 2008
Strengthening the Poverty Reduction Capacity of Regional Governments through Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA)
January 2006
Strategy of Growth for Substantial Reduction of Poverty and Reversal of Trend towards Increasing Regional Divide
January 2007