Global implications of a US-led currency war
Demographics, Labor Mobility, and Productivity
October 2012
Ownership, Foreign Investment and Productivity–A Case Study of the Automotive Industry in China
August 2006
Japan’s Economic Growth and Information Technology Potential Despite Fumbled Innovation
January 2008
Export Competitiveness in the Indian auto-component industry: Does Low Wage Cost matter?
January 2007
A Century of Rice Innovations
January 2005
Development Strategy, Optimal Industrial Structure and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries
January 2007
Processing Trade, Firm’s Productivity, and Tariff
Reductions: Evidence from Chinese Products
January 2010
Processing Trade, Firms Productivity, and Tariff Reductions: Evidence from Chinese Products
January 2010
Exports, Productivity, and Credit Constraints: A Firmâ€Level
Empirical Investigation of China
January 2009