Financing Development Cooperation in Northeast Asia
February 2013
Managing Capital Flows in an Economic Community: The Case of ASEAN Capital Account Liberalization
August 2012
Narrowing the Gaps through Regional Cooperation Institutions and Governance Systems
May 2012
Distribution, Domestic Politics, and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia
December 2011
Responding to the Global Financial Crisis: The Evolution of Asian Regionalism and Economic Globalization
January 2012
Foundations of Collective Action in Asia: Theory and Practice of Regional Cooperation
February 2012
Lessons of the European Crisis for Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia
February 2012
Trade Facilitation Measures in South Asian FTAs: An Overview of Initiatives and Policy Approaches
January 2007
Deepening Intraregional Trade and Investment in South Asia – The Case of the Textiles and Clothing Industry
January 2008
Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices
January 2006