Managing International Labor Migration in ASEAN: Themes from a Six-Country Study
May 2013
Understanding Innovation in Production Networks in East Asia
March 2013
Production Networks, Profits, and Innovative Activity: Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand
February 2013
New Measures of the Trilemma Hypothesis: Implications for Asia
September 2012
Development Trajectory, Emission Profile, and Policy Actions: Thailand
April 2012
Trans-Pacific Rebalancing: Thailand Case Study
March 2011
Industrial Upgrading and Global Recession: Evidence of Hard Disk Drive and Automotive Industries in Thailand
May 2011
Gridlock – Regulatory Regimes in the Thai Passenger Transport Sector
January 2006
Gridlock – Regulatory Regimes in the Thai Passenger Transport Sector
January 2007
Strategies for Financing Higher Education: The Case of Thailand
January 2008