
Name Date published Author
Impact of Special Economic Zones on Employment, Poverty and Human Development January 2007
Impact of Supermarkets on Traditional Markets and Retailers in Indonesia’s Urban Centers January 2007
Impact of Urban Growth on Water Bodies – The Case of Hyderabad January 2004
Impacts of the Free Trade Area of the Pacific (FTAAP) on Production, Consumption, and Trade of the Philippines January 2008
Income Distributions, Inequality, and Poverty in Asia, 1992–2010 March 2014
Income, Public Social Services, and Capability Development: A Cross-district Analysis of Pakistan January 2008
India Science Report: Science Education, Human Resources and Public Attitude towards Science and Technology January 2005
India: E-Readiness Assessment Report 2005 January 2007
Indian Innovation Systems and Emergence of Biopharmaceutical Sector: Issues and Prospects January 2007
Indirect Inference for Dynamic Panel Models January 2006
Industrial Agglomeration and Industrial Policies: The Philippine Experience January 2008
Industrial Agglomeration in the Philippines January 2008
Industrial Growth And Environmental Degradation: A Case Study Of Tiruppur Textile Cluster January 2007
Industrial Upgrading and Global Recession: Evidence of Hard Disk Drive and Automotive Industries in Thailand May 2011
Informal Values and Formal Policies – A study of Japanese Technology Policy and Significance for India January 2008
Information Disclosure Strategies for Green Industries August 2011
Innovation in India and China: Challenges and Prospects in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology January 2008
Innovations as Response to Failures in Rural Financial Markets January 2006
Innovations in Financing Food Security January 2010
Innovative Approaches to Managing Longevity Risk in Asia: Lessons from the West April 2012