
Name Date published Author
Emergence of Rating Agencies: Implications for Establishing a Regional Rating Agency in Asia January 2010
Emerging Contours of Financial Regulation: Challenges and Dynamics March 2011
Enhancing the Effectiveness of CMIM and AMRO: Selected Immediate Challenges and Tasks January 2013
Equalizing Health and Education: Approach of the Twelfth Finance Commission January 2006
Europe’s Debt Crisis, Coordination Failure, and International Effects July 2012
Examination of the Singapore Shift in Japan’s Foreign Direct Investment in Services in ASEAN March 2010
Exchange Rate Coordination in Asia: Evidence using the Asian Currency Unit April 2012
Exchange Rate Policy and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case of Conflicted Interests? October 2013
Exchange Rate Regimes and Monetary Independence in East Asia December 2002
Exchange Rates and Global Rebalancing April 2011
Exogenous Shocks and Exchange Rate Management in Developing Countries January 2007
Expanding Beyond Borders: The Yen and the Yuan December 2013
Explosive Behavior in the 1990s Nasdaq: When Did Exuberance Escalate Asset Values? January 2009
FDI and Spillover Effects in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry January 2006
FDI Investment Incentive System and FDI Inflows: The Philippine Experience January 2006
Financial Crisis as a Catalyst of Legal Reforms: The Case of Asia November 2013
Financial Crisis, Trade Finance, and SMEs: Case of Central Asia January 2010
Financial Development in Emerging Markets: The Indian Experience April 2011
Financial Development: A Broader Perspective January 2010
Financial Development: A Broader Perspective December 2010