
Name Date published Author
Joining Pre-existing International Production Networks: Implications for India’s Economic Integration to East Asia June 2013
Negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Evaluation and Implications for East Asian Regionalism July 2013
Multilateralizing Asian Regionalism August 2013
Regional Borders and Trade in Asia September 2013
Exchange Rate Policy and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case of Conflicted Interests? October 2013
Special Study on Sustainable Fisheries Management and International Trade in the Southeast Asia and Pacific Region October 2013
Plurilateral Agreements: A Viable Alternative to the World Trade Organization? October 2013
The ASEAN Economic Community: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects October 2013
Regional Trade Agreements and Enterprises in Southeast Asia October 2013
Supply Chains and Credit-Market Shocks: Some Implications for Emerging Markets November 2013
The Future of the World Trade Organization November 2013
Mapping Crisis-Era Protectionism in the Asia and Pacific Region November 2013
Constructing and Multilateralizing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: An Asian Perspective December 2013
Trade in Value Added: An East Asian Perspective December 2013
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Looking Ahead to the Next Steps December 2013
The Causal Relationship between Trade and FDI: Implication for India and East Asian Countries December 2013
Globalization, Infrastructure, and Inclusive Growth February 2014
Does Finance Really Matter for the Participation of SMEs in International Trade? Evidence from 8,080 East Asian Firms March 2014
Preferentialism in Trade Relations: Challenges for the World Trade Organization May 2014
Connecting South Asia to Southeast Asia: Cross-Border Infrastructure Investments May 2014