
Name Date published Author
An Analysis of the Special Safeguard Mechanisms in the Doha Round of Negotiations – A Proposed Price-trigger-based Safeguard Mechanism January 2006
Current WTO Negotiations Under Doha Round Insights from CPD’s Geneva Tracking Mission January 2008
Enhancement and Deepening of the Competitiveness of the Philippine Electronics Industry Under a Bilateral Setting January 2006
Measuring the Environmental Impacts of Changing Trade Patterns on the Poor January 2010
The Yuan’s Exchange Rates and Pass-through Effects on the Prices of Japanese and US Imports January 2010
Exports, Productivity, and Credit Constraints: A Firm‐Level Empirical Investigation of China January 2009
Accelerating Regional Integration: Issues at the Border January 2010
General Equilibrium Analysis of DDA Trade Liberalization: Assessment of Alternative Scenarios January 2010
Multinational Corporations and Pacific Regionalism January 2006
Modelling Small Economy Exports: The Case of Singapore January 2005
Policy Issues for the ASEAN Economic Community: the Rules of Origin January 2008
Biosafety Protocol, International Trade and Agricultural Biotechnology: Policy Inferences for India January 2005
Prospects for Environmental Trade under the Regional Process in South Asia: Evidence from SAPTA and Proposals for SAFTA January 2005
Competition Clauses in Bilateral Trade Treaties – Analysing the Issues in the Context of India’s Future Negotiating Strategy January 2008
The Impact of Market Reforms on Competition, Structure and Performance of the Philippine Economy January 2005
State of Trade and Investments in the Philippines January 2006
Analysing the Terms of Trade Effect for Pakistan January 2010
China’s Factor in Recent Global Commodity Price and Shipping Freight Volatilities January 2009
Sports Retailing in India: Opportunities, Constraints and Way Forward January 2010