
Name Date published Author
An Evaluation of the Intermediation Role of Hong Kong in Chinese Foreign Trade January 2007
Rediscovering the Role of Developing Countries in GATT before the Doha Round January 2008
Trade Liberalisation, Financial Development and Economic Growth January 2007
The Hong Kong Declaration and Agriculture – Implications for Bangladesh January 2006
Improving the Business Climate in NTT: The Case of Agriculture Trade in West Timor January 2007
Policy Issues for the ASEAN Economic Community: the Rules of Origin January 2008
The Limited Promise of Agricultural Trade Liberalization January 2009
Pakistan’s Trade Policy, 1999–2008: An Assessment January 2009
Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Trade and Industrial Restructuring in India January 2010
Patent Infringement and Strategic Trade Policies: R&D and Export Subsidies November 2000
Closer Trade and Financial Cooperation in ASEAN: Issues at the Regional and National Level with Focus on the Philippines May 2007
Economic Integration and Regional Cooperation in East Asia – A Pragmatic View January 2005
Does Appreciation of the RMB Decrease Imports to the U.S. from China? January 2010
India-Sri Lanka Bilateral Free Trade Agreement: Six Years Performance and Beyond January 2007
Dynamic Effects of Agriculture Trade in the Context of Domestic and Global Liberalisation: A CGE Analysis for Pakistan January 2007
Increasing the Market Access for Agricultural Products from Bangladesh to the EU January 2006
The Location Decisions of Foreign Logistics Firms in China: Does Transport Network Capacity Matter? January 2005
Will New Trends in Foreign Direct Investment Change the Structure of Intra-industry Trade between China and Japan? January 2008
Revision of India-Nepal Treaty of Trade and Its Implications for Strengthening Bilateral Trade and Investment Linkages January 2010