Name Date published Author
The Future of China’s Economic Transformation and India’s Economic Strategies December 2016
The future of Australia’s productivity: Some insights from productivity analysis April 2015
The Free Trade Area Of The Asia- Pacific: A Constructive Approach To Multilateralizing Asian Regionalism December 2011
The Food-Feed-Fuel Triangle: Implications of Corn-based Ethanol for Grain-Use Competition January 2010
The Flow of Household Funds in Japan January 2008
The Flow of Funds through a Government – A Case Study on Japan January 2007
The Five-Phases of Economic Development and Institutional Evolution in China and Japan December 2011
The Financial Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Strengthening Regional Monitoring of Financial Markets and Regional Coordination of Financial Sector Policies? January 2010
The Financial Crisis, Rethinking of the Global Financial Architecture, and the Trilemma January 2010
The Financial Crisis and the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies: A European Banking Perspective January 2010
The Exchange Rate, Diversification, and Distribution in a Modified Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods December 2011
The exchange rate regime in Asia: From Crisis to Crisis January 2010
The Evolution of Rice Production Practices January 2005
The Evolution of ASEAN+X Free Trade Agreements -Implications for Canada January 2005
The Evolution and Utilization of the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism January 2007
The Eurozone in the Current Crisis January 2010
The European Union’s Proposed Carbon Equalization System: Can it be WTO Compatible? January 2009
The European Union’s Proposed Carbon Equalization System: Can it be WTO Compatible? January 2009
The Euro After Its First Decade: Weathering the Financial Storm and Enlarging the Euro Area January 2010
The Employment Potential of Labor Intensive Industries in India’s Organized Manufacturing January 2009