Name Date published Author
The Emerging “Post-Doha” Agenda and the New Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific October 2012
The Electric Energy-Water Nexus: Managing the Seasonal Linkages of Fresh Water Use in Energy Sector for Sustainable Future January 2010
The Effects of Parental Death and Chronic Poverty on Children’s Education and Health: Evidence from Indonesia January 2009
The Effects of Parental Death and Chronic Poverty on Children’s Education and Health: Evidence from Indonesia January 2009
The Effects of Location and Sectoral Components of Growth January 2006
The Effectiveness of the Raskin Program January 2008
The effect of Strategic Sale of Banks: Evidence from Indonesia May 2007
The Effect of Financial Repression & Enforcement on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development March 2006
The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Trade in East Asia January 2011
The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Japanese Consumption Exports July 2011
The Economics of Price Scissors: An Empirical Investigation for China. April 2008
The Economics of Outsourcing in a De-integrating Industry January 2005
The Economics of Nuclear Energy January 2009
The economic impact of the Australia-United States free trade agreement February 2015
The Economic Impact of Globalization in Asia-Pacific – The Case of The Flying Geese January 2005
The Economic and Political Case for Coordinating Fiscal Stimulus November 2018
The Dynamic Impacts of M&A on Employment in Japan: Using Micro-data from the Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations by Industry January 2010
The Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III: Intentions, Unintended Consequences, and Lessons for Emerging Markets October 2012
The difficulties of the Chinese and Indian exchange rate regimes January 2009
The Differential Impact of User Heterogeneity in Resource Management: A Case Study from Kerala January 2005