Name Date published Author
Singapore information sector: a study using input-output table November 2006
Simulation-based Estimation of Contingent-claims Prices January 2008
Should Australia Encourage Developing Countries to Adopt Competition Laws? January 2008
Short-Term Policy Responses to the International Financial Crisis and Risks to Sustainable Medium-Term Policy Frameworks in Asia: Complications Arising from Enduring Global Imbalances January 2009
Short term gain, long term pain? Impact of New Zealand’s fiscal stimulus – A dynamic general equilibrium analysis January 2009
Shelf Space Fees and Inter-Brand Competition January 2008
Shaping APEC: Perspectives from the Philippines May 2007
Sex trafficking of girls and women: Evidence from Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh January 2010
Set Inference for Semiparametric Discrete Games January 2006
SES Health Gradients during the Epidemiological Transition: The Case of China January 2010
Services Trade Negotiations in the Doha Round: Opportunities and Risks for Pakistan January 2007
Services Sector Development and Improving Production Network in ASEAN April 2015
Services Policy Reform in the People’s Republic of China: Before and After the Global Financial Crisis August 2011
Services as a New Engine of Growth for ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China, and India March 2012
Service Sector Productivity and Economic Growth in Asia July 2014
Sequencing of Capital Account Liberalization – Japan’s experiences and their implications to China January 2006
Semiparametric Estimation of Signaling Games January 2006
Selection Criteria for Sustainable Development Indicators January 2010
Securitized Products, Financial Regulation, and Systemic Risk January 2010
Securing SLOCs by Cooperation – China’s Perspective of Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean January 2009