Name Date published Author
Sectoral Approaches in Global Warming Measures – Expectations, Expected Roles and Its Challenges. October 2008
Schooling and Political Participation Revisited January 2008
Schedule for Financial System Reform January 1999
Scenarios and Options for Productivity Growth in Philippine Agriculture An Application of the AMPLE January 2010
Scenarios and Options for Productivity Growth in Philippine Agriculture An Application of the AMPLE January 2010
Save now, prosper later: Increasing New Zealand’s savings rate – a preliminary dynamic CGE analysis January 2010
Salient Aspects of the Growth Story of Indian Railways 1981-82 through 2007-08 January 2010
SABER-Project January 1970
Rural to Urban Migration in Pakistan: The Gender Perspective January 2010
Rural to Urban Migration and Network Effects in an Extended Family Framework January 2005
Rural Nonfarm Employment and Incomes in the Himalayas January 2008
RURAL NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT IN INDIA – The Residual Sector Hypothesis Revisited January 2005
Rules of Origin: Regimes in East Asia and Recommendations for Best Practice January 2008
Rules of Origin under Regional Trade Agreements January 2010
Rules of Origin – Evolving Best Practices for RTAs/FTAs January 2006
RP-US FTA: Trade Remedies, Competition Policy and Government Procurement January 2006
Roof above the head: Qualitative assessment of rural housing in India January 2010
Role of Science & Technology, Higher Education and Research in Regional Socio-Economic Development January 2006
RMB Exchange Rate and Local Currency Price Stability: The Case of China and ASEAN+3 January 2006
Risks, Resilience, and Reforms: Indonesia’s Financial System in 2019 March 2019