Name Date published Author
Impact of Urban Growth on Water Bodies – The Case of Hyderabad January 2004
Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Fragile Environments: Resource Endowments or Policy Interventions? January 2004
Food Processing in Andhra Pradesh Opportunities and Challenges January 2004
Gender Differentials in Adult Mortality in India – With Notes on Rural-Urban Contrasts January 2002
An Open Services Regime – Recipe for Jobless Growth? January 2008
Higher Education in India – Seizing The Opportunity January 2006
Public Provision of Education and Government Spending in Pakistan January 2007
Awareness and the Demand of Safe Drinking Water Practices January 2007
National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective January 2007
Household Budget Analysis for Pakistan under Varying the Parameter Approach January 2007
Bilateral J-Curves between Pakistan and Her Trading Partners January 2008
India: E-Readiness Assessment Report 2005 January 2007
Construction and Validation of ‘Science Culture Index’ January 2009
Tourism Satellite Account for India January 2006
Role of Science & Technology, Higher Education and Research in Regional Socio-Economic Development January 2006
Rural Nonfarm Employment and Incomes in the Himalayas January 2008
An Examination of the Relationship between Health and Economic Growth January 2006
Towards A Competitive Manufacturing Sector January 2008
The Missing Middle January 2009
China and India – A Tale of Two Trade Integration Approaches January 2008