Name Date published Author
India’s Macroeconomic Performance and Policies since 2000 January 2008
Higher Education in India – The Need for Change January 2006
Regional Cooperation and Integration Prospects in Asia January 2007
India-Africa Economic Partnership: Trends and Prospects January 2008
Trade and Environment in the WTO: Negotiating Options for Developing Countries January 2005
Towards a Broader Asian Community: Agenda for the East Asia Summit January 2005
Emerging Multinationals: Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Outward Investment by Indian Enterprises January 2006
Investment Provisions in Regional Trading Arrangements in Asia: Relevance, Emerging Trends, and Policy Implications January 2007
Regional Economic Integration, Foreign Direct Investment and Efficiency-Seeking Industrial Restructuring in Asia: The Case of India January 2007
Relevance of ‘Policy Space’ for Development: Implications for Multilateral Trade Negotiations January 2007
South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Asia-Pacific: Towards a New Paradigm in Development Cooperation January 2008
Internationalization of Indian Enterprises: Patterns, Strategies, Ownership Advantages and Implications January 2008
East Asian Infrastructure Development in a Comparative Global Perspective: An Analysis of RIS Infrastructure Index January 2008
Brazilian Economy: Recent Evolution and New Perspectives for South-South Cooperation January 2007
Non-tariff Barriers Affecting India’s Exports January 2005
India-Vietnam Trade: Current Relations and Prospects January 2005
India’s Regional Trading Arrangements January 2006
Prospects for Environmental Trade under the Regional Process in South Asia: Evidence from SAPTA and Proposals for SAFTA January 2005
Emergence of China and India in the New Millennium: Will it Facilitate Market Access for LDCs and Developing Countries? January 2005
Welfare Gains from Regional Economic Integration in Asia: ASEAN+3 or EAS January 2007