Name Date published Author
India-Africa Economic Partnership: Trends and Prospects January 2008
Regional Cooperation and Integration Prospects in Asia January 2007
Community-based Rights and IPR Regime: Revisiting the Debate January 2007
Investment Provisions in Regional Trading Arrangements in Asia: Relevance, Emerging Trends, and Policy Implications January 2007
Emerging Multinationals: Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Outward Investment by Indian Enterprises January 2006
China’s Role in the Asian Economic Unification Process January 2005
Strategic Relevance of Asian Economic Integration January 2005
Addressing Global Growth Asymmetries through Regional Trade Integration: Some Explorations January 2006
The WTO’s Doha Negotiations: An Assessment January 2008
Trade in IBSA Economic Cooperation: The Role of Transportation Linkages January 2005
Deepening India–Bangladesh Economic Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities January 2007
Transportation Cost and Trade Competitiveness: Empirical Evidence from India January 2008
Reinventing UNCTAD: Some Proposals for the UNCTAD Mid-term Review January 2006
Rediscovering the Role of Developing Countries in GATT before the Doha Round January 2008
Strategic Approach to Strengthening the International Competitiveness in Knowledge Based Industries: Electronics Industry January 2005
Potential of Asian Economic Integration: A Perspective from the Strategy of Japanese Enterprises January 2008
India-Sri Lanka Bilateral Free Trade Agreement: Six Years Performance and Beyond January 2007
Japan and an Asian Economic Community January 2006
Trade and Environment in the WTO: Negotiating Options for Developing Countries January 2005
Towards a Broader Asian Community: Agenda for the East Asia Summit January 2005