Name Date published Author
Japan First? Economic Security in a World of Uncertainty November 2021
Japan and an Asian Economic Community January 2006
IT and ITES as an Engine of Growth: An Exploration into the Indian Experience January 2009
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and Over Time January 2009
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and over Time January 2009
Issues for Renminbi Internationalization: An Overview January 2014
Issues and Prospects on the Movement of Natural Persons and Human Capital Development in the Philippine-American Economic Relations January 2006
Islamic Economy: Its Relevance to the Globalization of Economy in the Muslim Filipino Areas January 2005
Is This Asia’s Century? Boao Forum for Asia will actively explore Asia’s new global role at its annual conference January 2005
Is poor household saving the cause of New Zealand’s high current account deficit? January 2008
Is it Social Influence on Beliefs Under Ambiguity? A Possible Explanation for Volatility Clustering January 2006
Is It Desirable for Asian Economies to Hold More Asian Assets in Their Foreign Exchange Reserves?—The People’s Republic of China’s Answer August 2011
Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach January 2009
Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Environmental Quality Of Indian States Post 1991 January 2006
Is China Competing with Korea? Technology content and Sophistication of the China-Korea Trade November 2007
Is China Competing with Korea? Technology content and Sophistication of the China-Korea Trade November 2007
Investment Provisions in Regional Trading Arrangements in Asia: Relevance, Emerging Trends, and Policy Implications January 2007
Investment and Capital Flows: Implications of the ASEAN Economic Community January 2009
Investment and Capital Flows: Implications of the ASEAN Economic Community January 2009
Investing in Real Estate: Mortgage Financing Practices and Optimal Holding Period January 2005