Name Date published Author
Interest Groups and Patent Reform in India January 2003
Interaction between trade, conflict and cooperation: the case of Japan and China January 2010
Inter-State Imbalances in Essential Services: Some Perspectives January 2009
Inter-regional project: How to strengthen social protection coverage in the context of the European Union Agenda on decent work and promoting employment in the informal economy. Thailand: Case Study January 2008
Inter-linkages between Development Research and Policy Planning – Analytical Lessons from Indian Experiences in the Post Reforms Period January 2008
Intellectual Property Rights: Talking Points for RP-US FTA Negotiations January 2006
Intellectual Property Regime, Indigenous Knowledge System and Access and Benefit Sharing: Drawing Lessons from Kani Case January 2007
Integration and Trade Specialization in East Asia January 2006
Integrated Financial Supervision: An Institutional Perspective for the Philippines January 2007
Insular Decision-making in the Board Room: Why Boards Retain and Hire Sub-Standard CEOs January 2009
Instrumental Variable Quantile Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models January 2007
Institutions, Wages and Inequality: The Case of Europe and its Periphery (1500-1899) January 2005
Institutions Matter: The Case of Vietnam January 2008
Institutions for Enhancing Economic Policy Performance January 2006
Institutions for enhancing economic policy performance January 2007
Institutions for Economic and Financial Integration in Asia: Trends and Prospects September 2011
Institutions for Asian Integration: Innovation and Reform August 2012
Institutions for Asian Connectivity January 2010
Institutions as a Determinant of Economic Growth January 2006
Institutional Changes for Private Sector Development in Vietnam: Experience and Lessons January 2007