Name Date published Author
India-Japan Investment Relations: Trends and Prospects January 2010
India-East Asia Integration: A Win-Win for Asia January 2005
India-Central Asia Economic Relations: A Report of RIS/CII Seminar January 2005
India-Africa Economic Partnership: Trends and Prospects January 2008
India Science Report: Science Education, Human Resources and Public Attitude towards Science and Technology January 2005
India in the Global and Regional Trade – Determinants of Aggregate and Bilateral Trade Flows and Firms’ Decision to Export January 2009
India – Pakistan Trade January 2006
Index of Financial Inclusion January 2008
Increasing the Market Access for Agricultural Products from Bangladesh to the EU January 2006
Incomplete Contracts, Incentives and Economic Power January 2010
Income, Public Social Services, and Capability Development: A Cross-district Analysis of Pakistan January 2008
Income Distributions, Inequality, and Poverty in Asia, 1992–2010 March 2014
Income Contingent Student Loans for Thailand: Alternatives Compared January 2008
Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh – Challenges in Agriculture, Poverty, Social Sector and Regional Disparities January 2007
Inclusive Growth – What is so exclusive about it? January 2008
Incentives from Exchange Rate Regimes in an Institutional Context January 2006
Inadequate Regional Financial Safety Nets Reflect Complacency March 2013
Improving the Financial Management of Local Economic Enterprises January 2010
Improving the Business Climate in NTT: The Case of Agriculture Trade in West Timor January 2007
Implications of an RP-US FTA on the Philippine Financial Services Industry and the Philippine Economy January 2006