Name Date published Author
Analysing the Terms of Trade Effect for Pakistan January 2010
Analysis of Applicable Liberalisation Models in China’s Electric Power Market November 2005
Analysis of Current Situation of Oil Distribution and Pricing Mechanisms in Asia January 2010
Analysis of the Impact of Changes in the Prices of Rice and Fuel on Poverty in the Philippines January 2009
Analyzing and Forecasting Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy: A Dynamic Factor Model for Singapore January 2009
APEC and Infectious Disease: Meeting the Challenge January 2007
Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to Prioritize Urban Transport Options – Comparative Analysis of Group Aggregation Methods January 2007
Applying the Lessons of Asia: The IMF’s Crisis Management Strategy in 2008 January 2010
Appropriate Economic Space for Transnational Infrastructural Projects: Gateways, Multimodal Corridors, and Special Economic Zones January 2010
Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries: The Case of Korea October 2000
Appropriate Financial Instruments for Public-Private Partnership to Boost Cross-Border Infrastructural Development-EU Experience May 2011
Are Currency Revaluations Contractionary in China? January 2006
Are Free Trade Agreements Making Swiss Cheese of Australia’s Foreign Investment Regime? November 2014
Are Maternal and Child Care Programs Reaching the Poorest Regions in the Philippines? January 2008
Are the East Asian Currencies still Misaligned? An Analysis Based on Absolute PPP-Income Relationship using Panel Data January 2009
Are Trade Openness and Financial Development Complementary? January 2010
ASEAN a rising power January 2006
ASEAN and the Role of Asian Regionalism in Managing Asymmetric Power November 2021
ASEAN Integration in 2030: United States Perspectives July 2012
ASEAN Monetary Cooperation: Issues and Prospects January 2005