Korea’s Unemployment Insurance in the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis and Adjustments in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
January 2010
Agflation and the PDS – Some Issues
January 2008
Rethinking Agricultural Production Collectivities:
The case for a group approach to energize agriculture and empower poor farmers
January 2010
Inclusive Growth – What is so exclusive about it?
January 2008
Poverty and Inequality in Uttar Pradesh during 1993-94 to 2004-05 A Decomposition Analysis
January 2010
Measuring Global Poverty Right Mission Impossible?
January 2006
LGU Access to Official Development Assistance (ODA): Status, Issues, and Concerns
January 2010
How Well Can We Target Resources with “Quick-and-Dirty†Data?: Empirical Results from Cambodia
January 2006
The Philippines’ Absorptive Capacity for Foreign Aid
January 2010
Strategy of Growth for Substantial Reduction of Poverty and Reversal of Trend towards Increasing Regional Divide
January 2007