Japan’s Post-Triple-Disaster Growth Strategy
August 2012
Does the IV estimator establish causality? Re-examining Chinese fertility-growth relationship
January 2009
Endogenous Population Growth, Social Security, and Dynamic Inefficiency
January 2009
Fertility Transition in India – Development and Diffusion
January 2009
What Matter for Child Development?
January 2006
Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development
January 2007
Qualitative Baseline Study for PNPM Generasi and PKH: The Availability and Use of the Maternal and Child Health Services and Basic Education Services in the Provinces of West Java and East Nusa Tenggara
January 2008
What Determines the Gradient among Children in Developing Countries? Evidence from Indonesia
January 2006
Poverty, Fertility Preferences and Family Planning Practice in the Philippines
January 2005
Number of Children and their Education in Philippine Households
January 2005