Service Sector Productivity and Economic Growth in Asia
July 2014
Does Finance Really Matter for the Participation of SMEs in International Trade? Evidence from 8,080 East Asian Firms
March 2014
Production Networks, Profits, and Innovative Activity: Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand
February 2013
Engaging Small and Medium Enterprises in Production Networks: Firm-level Analysis of Five ASEAN Economies
June 2012
Determinants of Labor-intensive exports by the Developing Countries: A Cross Country Analysis
July 2012
Audiovisual Services in Korea: Market Development and Policies
April 2012
A Comparison of the Industrialization Paths for Asian Services Outsourcing Industries, and Implications for Poverty Alleviation
October 2011
Sustaining Philippine Advantage in Business Process Outsourcing
January 2005
Expanding RP-US Linkages in Business Process Outsourcing
January 2006
Development Strategy, Optimal Industrial Structure and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries
January 2007