Sydney Water: Pricing for Sustainability
October 2006
Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Fragile Environments:
Resource Endowments or Policy Interventions?
January 2004
Impact of Urban Growth on Water Bodies – The Case of Hyderabad
January 2004
Awareness and the Demand of Safe Drinking Water Practices
January 2007
Right to Drinking Water in India
January 2004
How Participatory is Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)?
A Study of Water User Associations (WUAs) in Andhra Pradesh
January 2005
Vulnerability to Poverty and Vulnerability to Climate Change: Conceptual Framework, Measurement and Synergies in Policy
January 2007
Factors Determining Public Demand for Safe Drinking Water (A Case Study of District Peshawar)
January 2010
The Electric Energy-Water Nexus: Managing the Seasonal Linkages of Fresh Water Use in Energy Sector for Sustainable Future
January 2010