
Name Date published Author
Banking Crises and “Japanization”: Origins and Implications July 2013
Brazilian Economy: Recent Evolution and New Perspectives for South-South Cooperation January 2007
Business Competitiveness Environment In Bangladesh (2005) – Domestic Perceptions And Global Comparison January 2006
Campaign Tactics and Citizens’ Electoral Decisions January 2006
Can coordination in the G-20 help countries to reduce debt and deficits? November 2018
Can Horticulture be a Success Story For India? January 2007
Capital Inflows, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility: An Investigation for Linear and Nonlinear Causal Linkages January 2010
Causes and Remedies of China’s External Imbalances January 2010
Causes of and Remedies for the People’s Republic of China’s External Imbalances: The Role of Factor Market Distortion April 2011
Central Asia: Mapping Future Prospects January 2006
Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices January 2006
Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Small Scale Macroeconomic Model of Indonesia January 2005
Central Banking for Financial Stability in Asia August 2012
Changing Population In Japan and A Life-Long Active Society To Cope With It April 2015
China and South Asian Relations in a New Perspective January 2008
China’s exchange rate: The plight of an immature international creditor September 2010
China’s Changing Economic Structures and Its Implications for Regional Patterns of Trade Production and Integration January 2005
China’s economic reform: Success, problems and challenges January 2007
China’s Reform on Exchange Rate System and International Trade between Japan and China January 2006
China’s Socialist Market Economy – Lessons Of Success January 2006