Trade Facilitation Measures in South Asian FTAs: An Overview of Initiatives and Policy Approaches
January 2007
South Asian Integration Prospects and Lessons from East Asia
January 2008
Combed Cotton Yarn Exports of Pakistan to the US: A Dispute Settlement Case
January 2005
Reforms in Indian Agro-processing and Agriculture Sectors in the Context of Unilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements
January 2006
A Century of Rice Innovations
January 2005
PC Penetration in Cambodia
January 2009
MNCs’ Ownership Advantage, Developing Countries, And New Regionalism
January 2005
Impact of Trade on Employment Generation in Manufacturing in India
January 2009
Optimal Tariff Calculations in Tariff Games with Climate Change Considerations
January 2010
How the iPhone Widens the United States Trade Deficit with the People’s Republic of China
January 2010
Trade and Investment Policies and Regional Economic Integration in East Asia
January 2010
January 2006
Accelerating ASEAN Economic Integration – Moving Beyond AFTA
January 2005
Addressing Global Growth Asymmetries through Regional Trade Integration: Some Explorations
January 2006
China and India – A Tale of Two Trade Integration Approaches
January 2008
India in the Global and Regional Trade – Determinants of Aggregate and Bilateral Trade Flows and Firms’ Decision to Export
January 2009
Policy Dilemmas in India – The Impact of Changes in Agricultural Prices on Rural and Urban Poverty
January 2008
The LGU Extension Services in a Major Rice-Growing Area: The Case of Hagonoy, Davao del Sur
January 2007
The European Union’s Proposed Carbon Equalization System: Can it be WTO Compatible?
January 2009
Openness of China’s Manufacturing Sectors and its APEC Policy
January 2007