
Name Date published Author
International Food Safety Standards and India’s Food Exports: An Analysis Based on Gravity Model Using Three-Dimensional Data January 2010
The Financial Crisis, Rethinking of the Global Financial Architecture, and the Trilemma January 2010
How Do FTAs Affect Exporting Firms in Thailand? January 2010
Regional Trade Policy Cooperation and Architecture in East Asia January 2010
Intellectual Property Regime, Indigenous Knowledge System and Access and Benefit Sharing: Drawing Lessons from Kani Case January 2007
Trading with Asia’s Giants January 2008
Services Trade Negotiations in the Doha Round: Opportunities and Risks for Pakistan January 2007
Non-Tariff Measures and Indian Textiles and Clothing Exports January 2009
RP-US FTA: Trade Remedies, Competition Policy and Government Procurement January 2006
Interaction between trade, conflict and cooperation: the case of Japan and China January 2010
China’s Economic Progress and its Role in Strengthening Cooperation between East and South Asia January 2007
India-Korea Trade and Investment Relations January 2009
Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China’s Trade Related Policies January 2010
EU-Asia Free Trade Areas? Economic and Policy Considerations January 2010
Rebalancing the US Economy in a Postcrisis World January 2010
Integration and Trade Specialization in East Asia January 2006
The Political Economy of Trade Policy in Indonesia January 2005
Trade Facilitation Measures in South Asian FTAs: An Overview of Initiatives and Policy Approaches January 2007
South Asian Integration Prospects and Lessons from East Asia January 2008
Combed Cotton Yarn Exports of Pakistan to the US: A Dispute Settlement Case January 2005