Name Date published Author
European Strategies on Gas Supply Security January 2009
Europe’s Debt Crisis, Coordination Failure, and International Effects July 2012
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC): Legal Aspects of Regional Trade Integration January 2008
EU-Asia Free Trade Areas? Economic and Policy Considerations December 2010
EU-Asia Free Trade Areas? Economic and Policy Considerations January 2010
Estimation of the Food Poverty Line January 2009
Estimation of Marginal Abatement Cost of Air Pollution in Durgapur City of West Bengal January 2006
Estimation and Determinants of Chronic Poverty in India: An Alternative Approach January 2006
Estimating the Probability of Trade Union Membership in India – Impact of Communist Parties, Personal Attributes and Industrial Characteristics January 2008
Estimating the impacts of demographic and policy changes on pension deficit: a simple method and application to China July 2006
Establishing Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Implications from the experiences of the European Union January 1970
ERIA–RIN Joint Statement No. 7 November 2019
ERIA Study to Further Improve the ASEAN Economic Community Scorecard: the Philippines January 2010
Equalizing Health and Education: Approach of the Twelfth Finance Commission January 2006
Environmental Standards as Strategic Outcomes: A Simple Model January 2008
Environmental Policy and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment in China. December 2005
Environmental and Resource Management under Myopia January 2006
Environment, Human Development and Economic Growth after Liberalisation: An Analysis of Indian States January 2007
Environment Related Trade Barriers and the WTO January 2009
Environment Pollution Control: Advantage or Disadvantage for Latecomer’s Economies in East Asia? January 2010