Name Date published Author
Economic Implications of Deeper South Asian–Southeast Asian Integration: A CGE Approach August 2014
Economic Impact of International Migration and Remittances on Philippine Households: What We Thought We Knew, What We Need to Know January 2008
Economic growth, wellbeing and sustainability: measuring Australia’s progress April 2015
Economic Growth in Forum Island Countries: Lessons of the Past Decade and Challenges and Opportunities Ahead May 2006
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade June 2016
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade July 2016
Economic Development in Orissa: Growth Without Inclusion? January 2008
Economic Crisis, Institutional Changes and the Effectiveness of Government: the Case of Indonesia June 2007
Econometric Approach to Water Use Estimation in Power Plants January 2010
Econometric Analysis of Continuous Time Models: A Survey of Peter Phillips’ Work and Some New Results January 2009
Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development in Indian Fiscal Federalism January 2009
East Asian Steel Projections for the 1990s Revisited January 2003
East Asian Infrastructure Development in a Comparative Global Perspective: An Analysis of RIS Infrastructure Index January 2008
East Asian Economic Integration and Its Impact on Future Growth. January 2005
East Asian Economic Integration and its Impact on Future Growth January 2005
East Asian Capital Markets Integration – Steps Beyond ABMI January 2007
East Asian and Pacific Integration Strategies January 2008
EABER–CCIEE policy report June 2024
EABER-SABER_Canberra_program January 1970
EABER-SABER Newsletter: June 2010 January 1970