Name Date published Author
Emergence of Rating Agencies: Implications for Establishing a Regional Rating Agency in Asia January 2010
Emergence of China and India in the New Millennium: Will it Facilitate Market Access for LDCs and Developing Countries? January 2005
Efficient economic integration to facilitate global value chains December 2016
Efficiency of Large Scale Manufacturing in Pakistan: A Production Frontier Approach January 2007
Effects of Trade liberalisation, Environmental and Labour Regulations on Employment in India’s Organised Textile Sector January 2005
Effects of Technological Improvement in the ICT-Producing Sector on Business Activity January 2006
Effects of Public Investment in Infrastructure on Growth and Poverty in India January 2006
Effectiveness of the Easing of Monetary Policy in the Japanese Economy, Incorporating Energy Prices November 2014
Effective Development Aid: Selectivity, Proliferation and Fragmentation, and the Growth Impact of Development Assistance January 2012
Effect of Liberalization on Banking Competition January 2005
Effect of Global Economic Liberalization on Manufacturing Firms in Muslim Areas in the Philippines January 2005
Education: Lessons from Economic Theory and Operational Experience January 2008
Education Impact Study: The Global Recession and the Capacity of Colleges and Universities to Serve Vulnerable Populations in Asia January 2010
Economic Reforms in Indonesia after the 1997/98 Economic Crisis January 2006
Economic Reforms in Indonesia After The 1997/98 Economic Crisis January 2007
Economic progress and puzzles: Long-term structural change in the New Zealand economy, 1953-2006 January 2009
Economic Openess, Disciplined Government and Ethnic Peace March 2008
Economic Integration in Northeast Asia: Search for a Feasible Approach December 1999
Economic Integration and Regional Cooperation in East Asia – A Pragmatic View January 2005
Economic Integration and National Security in a Strategic Policymaking Environment: The Case of Viet Nam November 2021