Name Date published Author
Does Finance Really Matter for the Participation of SMEs in International Trade? Evidence from 8,080 East Asian Firms March 2014
Does FDI Mode of Entry Matter for Economic Performance? – The Case of Korea January 2006
Does Capital Account Openness Lower Inflation? January 2007
Does Appreciation of the RMB Decrease Imports to the U.S. from China? January 2010
Do the technical indicators reward chartists? A study on the stock markets of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan January 2005
Do Labor Intensive Industries Generate Employment? Evidence from firm level survey in India January 2009
Do Japanese Firms Fail to Catch up in Localization? An Empirical Analysis Based on Affiliate-level Data of Japanese Firms and a Case Study of Automobile Industry in China August 2006
Do Global Forums Influence Domestic Macroeconomic Policies Anymore? April 2018
Do Exporting Firms in the People’s Republic of China Innovate? July 2012
Do barangays really matter in local services delivery? Some Issues and Policy Options January 2010
Do Banks Respond to Capital Requirement? Evidence from Indonesia September 2007
Diversification, Propping and Monitoring – Business Groups, Firm Performance and the Indian Economic Transition January 2005
Distribution, Domestic Politics, and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia December 2011
Distant Labour Supply, Skills and Induced Technical Change January 2006
Distance isn’t dead: An empirical evaluation of food miles-based preference changes January 2009
Dissecting the China Puzzle: Asymmetric Liberalization and Cost Distortion January 2010
Discussion of Balistreri, Hillberry, and Rutherford (2007):“Structural Estimation and Solution of International Trade Models with Heterogeneous Firms” January 2007
Discount Store January 2005
Disciplining Voluntary Environmental Standards At The WTO – An Indian Legal Viewpoint January 2006
Direction-of-Change Forecasts Based on Conditional Variance, Skewness and Kurtosis Dynamics: International Evidence January 2006