
Name Date published Author
Estimation of Marginal Abatement Cost of Air Pollution in Durgapur City of West Bengal January 2006
The Economics of Nuclear Energy January 2009
Regional Cooperation for Asian Energy Security January 2006
How does a decrease in oil production affect the world’s economy? January 2010
Natural Gas Situation and LNG Supply/Demand Trends in Asia-Pacific and Atlantic Markets January 2010
Advancing the ASEAN-India Partnership in the New Millennium January 2005
Cost-effectiveness Analysis of CO2 Reduction in the Automobile Sector January 2010
Japan’s Long-term Energy Demand and Supply Scenario to 2050 – Estimation for the Potential of Massive CO2 Mitigation January 2009
Asian Energy Outlook to 2020: Trends, Patterns and Imperatives of Regional Cooperation January 2005
Japan’s Energy Management Policy Experiences and Their Implications for Developing Countries January 1970
Energy Geo-politics of Russia and the Global Energy Security January 2009
Mitigating Carbon Emission through Economic Instruments: An Indian Perspective January 2005
Chinese Photovoltaic Market and Industry Outlook (Part 1) January 2010
The Recent Overview and Prospects of Nuclear Power Policy and Industrial Strategies in the UK, Italy and Sweden January 2009
Mineral Policy Issues in the Context of Export and Domestic Use of Iron Ore in India January 2008
Developing Asia’s Competitive Advantage in Green Products: Learning from the Japanese Experience January 2010
Jatropha curcas: Development of a New Oil Crop for Biofuel January 2009
Trade in Energy Services – GATS and India January 2009
Destabilization of the Crude Oil Market and Efforts Toward Price Stabilization January 2010
Supply and Demand Trends and Plans for Natural Gas in South Korea January 2009