
Name Date published Author
The Recent Overview and Prospects of Nuclear Power Policy and Industrial Strategies in the UK, Italy and Sweden January 2009
Mineral Policy Issues in the Context of Export and Domestic Use of Iron Ore in India January 2008
Developing Asia’s Competitive Advantage in Green Products: Learning from the Japanese Experience January 2010
Jatropha curcas: Development of a New Oil Crop for Biofuel January 2009
Trade in Energy Services – GATS and India January 2009
Destabilization of the Crude Oil Market and Efforts Toward Price Stabilization January 2010
Supply and Demand Trends and Plans for Natural Gas in South Korea January 2009
China and East Asian Energy – Prospects and Issues Volume II Part II January 2008
U.S., European and South Korean Efforts to Raise Nuclear Power Plant Utility factors – What Japan Should Learn from These Efforts January 2010
Climate Change and Energy Security – Obama’s Historic Challenge January 2009
China and East Asian Energy – Prospects and Issues Volume II Part I January 2008
Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific January 2010
Usefulness of the Forward Curve in Forecasting Oil Prices January 2009
Development Trajectory, Emission Profile, and Policy Actions: Thailand April 2012
Green Growth and Equity in the Context of Climate Change: Some Considerations July 2012
Climate Change Mitigation and Green Growth in Developing Asia July 2012
Lifestyle Choices and Societal Behavior Changes as Local Climate Strategy November 2012
A lesson in market contestability: calculating the cost of Chinese state intervention in iron ore price negotiations April 2015
The Making and Implementation of the Belt and Road Policy December 2016
Modelling the potential impacts of lower air transport prices in Australia December 2023